So here’s a weird one, one which is creepishly odd and yet melodically awesome, with a tender hook and some neat piano added to it, you can see why Grizzly Bear are recieving some hype, and well, its deserved, with one of the oddest video’s I’ve ever seen added to the mix, you’re always going to be intrigued as to what they have in store, pity about the rest of the album then. But for this one song along, Two Weeks, they have a song which they could rely on for corporate success as well as some sort of success in the media.
Told ya it was odd didn’t I?
Anyway, I’ve known this song for some time now due to my boredom of just downloading bundles of random albums and Veckatimest was one of them, but the reason as to why I’ve chosen to post it now is because of a certain “Intuition” I’ve had, or well the artist has anyway, with his Intuition’s mixtape “I Ruined These Songs For You” the song Two Weeks appeared on it with Intuitions own style tossed onto it, and well, by tossed I mean added to the sheer quality of the song of which I already thoroughly enjoyed. Now, here comes the part you want, the customary downloads, well today you’re not getting them....
Grizzly Bear – Two Weeks
Grizzly Bear – Two Weeks ft. Intuituon
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