And with their debut album, in all its glory they seem to have added to their already impressive repertoire of songs by adding a few belters. And well, you can be the judge of that. The album has got all of the old favourites which include Lies and Stop and Stare, pity there isn't "The Fight" though.
Here is my favourite from their new release and I'm sure its set to be their new single.
You're able to purchase the album now from Amazon.
But I found it staring back at me from the New Release section.
Griderman 2 - imo - trumps the last 13 years worth of Bad Seed albums, and I love the Bad Seeds. This album, for me, is everything that was missing from Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!! channelled through a Garage Rock Tannoy.
The Roots - How I Got Over (Album) (2010)
It's like they took a collection of Curtis Mayfields songs, stripped the vocals out, replaced them with well executed poignant-rhymes, some assorted indie rock and neo-soul guest vocalists and subsequently blew my mind....
Why was 1am, last Wednesday, in a friends house, the first time I heard this apparently quasi-successful band? I've was blind but now I'm much better.
Following the commercial, if not critical, success of 2008's Only by the Night, the brothers Followill return with their latest offering in the guise of their latest single.
"Radioactive", which appears on their new album, Come Around Sundown, has been described by the band themselves as a reaffirmation of the "spirituality" of the group as they grew up in Tennessee. Brace yourself.
Radioactive heralds another, and perhaps the last, step towards the abyss that is the dreaded tag of 'stadium rock'. It is so hard to associate the band who brought us the gritty Youth and Young Manhood and Aha Shake Heartbreak with this current group who have 'progressed' to highly-polished pop music in order to secure success in their native United States.
The commercial success of the platinum selling Only by the Night looked to have encouraged the Followills to further diverge from their early career, which saw them attract fans and plaudits alike with energetic rock and roll.
As a long time fan of the pre Only by the Night Kings of Leon, I was wary of this new offering at first. Having spent a day with it, my opinion of Radioactive has flip-flopped several times.
It IS mainstream. It IS a highly produced and mixed single. Crucially, however, it is rather good. The chorus, which had sounded 'cheesy' (for want of a less oft-levelled critical term) on first listen is infectious, rabble-rousing enough for the Sex on Fire brigade but also sufficiently soulful for many fans of earlier releases.
Recent recruits to the Kings of Leon bandwagon will love this song. Older fans who may have wished the Kings of Leon into exile may want to give this one a try. They might find themselves surprised.
Probably the most underrated song ever. Slick video, slick chorus, Lykke Li, Santogold, Kanye West and Nasa. Seriously, check out Nasa, check out the Spirit of Apollo and be free. One of the most original videos I've ever seen. Seriously. Enjoy.
I’ve stumbled into the general direction of some great music this week.
Gaslamp Killer - When I'm In Awe (feat. Gonjasufi)2010
I’ve been shouting various words of praise into the ears of many regarding Gonjasufi’s “A Sufi and a Killer”. The bulk of that album was produced the Gaslamp Killer who’s set to release an EP this October. Pitchfork are hosting a “teaser” from the EP which features vocals from Gonjasufi. Sidewinder-Charming, in the Mojave Desert. I’ll go with that description.
I’ve already got a Roots Manuva Dub album, but this one is better, I know little about producer “Wrong Tom” but he knows Dub.
Tony McDermott’s cover art alone is worth the price of admission.
Dudley Perkins – Expression (Album) 2007
I found this for €5 lying, collecting dust, in a record store Hip-Hop section this weekend, the Madlib production credit and Stones Throw label sticker formed a collective mouth that demanded I fork over my hard earned Ark, I’m glad I did. If I had a Soul, I’d feed it this.
Inspired Flight - We All Want to Fly (Album)2010
Sounds, and probably smells a bit like something from anticon. I found this via aimless link-clicking. Trippy, electronic music littered with guest MC’s.
This particular track is approaching territory occupied by The Books and is a free download on the bands website
Sooooo no big surprise that I'm tipping my hat in the way of suggesting Mr Tempah should be near if not at the heady heights of the chart with his next upcoming number "written in the stars" featuring the vovcals talants of Eric Turner (who? - if you know please enlighten me with a comment!) anyways Tinie's album is scheduled to drop in October and although is being kept heavily under wraps the very rare snippets released have been promosing, Swedish House Mafia featured "Miami 2 Ibiza" featureson the final track listing and having been put out by SHM is easily searchable on youtube ;)
Anyways standard video link below of Written in the Stars
I know its been a while since the incident of Charles Haddon's death, but its one which stays with you, especially when you've had an interest in his music. Well as a tribute to him and to OELWP I will dance how I feel and well, I hope everyone else will too. Too young and too talented, RIP.
Such a contrast to how you can perceive a song after death, before the tragedy I'd always felt this song was one of happiness and it made me want to get up and dance, but ever since the event it's been one of loss and sadness for me.
So the Monarchy album has been leaked. How fucking awesome is that! Well, I mean as a fan. Obviously I'm disappointed for the band but this will possibly generate the much needed attention they warrant and well to be honest, need. So, I'll show you some of the funktastic rhythmic sexual pleasures which you're going to be hearing in the not too distant future. With the album being pushed back to an early 2011 date expect to hear a lot about the queen and the royal families musical prowess and how they'll take over the world. I know I usually post an mp3 for your delight but this time its just going to be a few videos I'm afraid. Don't google monarchy album leak or anything though. Scratch that, the videos were taken down, have some MP3's little fledglings!
Check it out here first. Let me know what you think too. Don't forget to follow!
So, I feel as if I'm repeating myself with stating how awesome Kid Cudi is. He's awesome okay? Okay. So now here I am writing about the ever so interesting and hypetastic sophomore album from Cudi, Man on the Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager.
"I am the Rager I am Forever."
This isn't even good enough for the album. Now onto the album and how its set out so far, Cudi's released a few leaks here and there through his own personal blog including the welcoming wonder "Revofev" or to be more precise the revolution of Evolution, revolution being Cudi, the evolution being rap. Cudi's changing the style and face of rap with his thoughtful lyrics infused with heart and soul, rather than the usual guns and bitches. So the prelude revofev was to the fantastic "Erase Me" which had been spread like a whore's legs on the net causing shit loads of hype and fantasy. With an ever so catchy hook and the helping hand of his mentor Kanye the song has it, and whatever it is, is good. Check them out for yourself. LEts just say I'm looking forward to more leaks and Mr. Rager's fury will be calmed by the appreciation of the masses. Don't forget to follow the blog!
So, the secrets out, Monarchy are the ever under appreciated Milke. But, the hype in which they produced from being ambiguous and mysterious has allowed the synth duo to milk(e) the attention in which they'd garnered and to re-release their previous single from Milke entitled "Love Get Out of My Way". [video below] But I'd rather not see this as recycling but as a new output for their previously unheard of gems.
While on the subject of unheard of gems, or less so heard of gems this leads me to think of some of Milke's songs which had gone unknown by the masses of the media and the public but now will achieve the attention in which they'd wanted and warranted in the first place. Notable the ever so catchy "Maybe I'm Crazy" and "Resignation".
Incase you ever wondered what the duo looked like here's a picture for you to gawk at.
Not quite the spacemen you were hoping for was it?
So, Sorry about the lack of posts for the Month of May but, well, to be honest, its been eventful. Fruitful even. So let me fill you in, this months the month of May, and may it soon end, with my College exams half way done (3 out of 5) and missing 2 of them due to sickness, serious strep throat going on, I've found very little time to spend on the blog or living. But there's been good times as well as horrendously bad. So lets stick to the good ones.
Around the start of the MUNT I stumbledupon (yes I use that application) a great tune called "In It Together" by Human Life on some obscure blog, somewhat like this, just obviously less cool.
Oh so nintendo-y I love it.
After bopping my head to that a few times I reminisced of when I forayed into the lifestyle of a secondary school kid who tried to make his own songs and remix a few too under the pseudonym of PKG, surprisingly I have over 4,500 plays, and one even has over 2,500 plays itself, amusing to think thats more than what my mate who's signed to a label has on his Myspace. I soul crushingly listened to the terribleness of 17 year old me's aspirations, but then realised how much I missed Hadouken!'s old style at the same time, yes, I remixed Hadouken!, don't ask. But I really do like Hadouken!'s older stuff, especially Driving Nowhere, Spend Your Life and Wait For You.
Fuckin' Sexy!
Then onto the 2nd Friday, the Friday before my exams started, you'd probably expect me to sit in and well, as you should, STUDY, well, that's not how I roll, I went to the most awesome FREE gig of my life courtesy of Heineken Music, With Foals, Bombay Bicycle Club and some band with a fat lad in it. Not knowing the support bands I didn't really care about their performances rather just yelling the occasional "1 more tune" after 2 songs into their set or "You're not Foals!" until the aforementioned Foals had entered the stage, and later during the gig, the crowd. The little man Yannis sure does know how to throw a show!
Yes, its been anticipated and I've liked it. Kele from Bloc Party's solo effort is different and fantastic is not a bit same-ish at times, he's certainly jumped on the band-wagon of hip and disco related CHOOONS but I really do like it. Knocking back and forth while waiting for Total Life Forever to download has never been more exhilarating
Funky Electro Pop with a slice of disco. Thats how I'd describe the fantastic new band Nightbus, who've just released a video for their debut single "I Wanna Be You". Check out the video here! Its catchy and has a fast paced beat to it and well its very memorable. With it due to be released by the end of May expect a lot of hype and airplay in the coming weeks. Hopefully you'll enjoy it!
Here's a slick choon my Marina and the Diamonds remixed by Fenech-Soler who I'm lucky enough to be able to see this Friday at Crawdaddy in Dublin, which is going to be absolutely great. Now, onto the song at hand. "OH MY GOD", really does surmise this song, unpredictably awesome with a major bassline banging on throughout. This really makes me want to listen to her own stuff, which I will eventually do after listening tot this. You better too.
Here's a singer(ette) thing, who I've known of for some time and I've just been listening to her album "Lights" and I'm just wondering something, WHY DID THEY MURDER WISH I STAYED?!?
Not as in the queen, but as in the awesome band who nobody ahs a clue about other than the fact that they confuse thousands of people about who the hell they are. There's been rumours linking them with Daft Punk and well, they're awesome but they're still some way from it (a long way) but they're a superb band who I've already posted a song about in the past, being Penguin Prison's "A Funny Thing" which was remixed by them.
Enjoy the sheer classness of this and well, let me know what you think.
So here’s a weird one, one which is creepishly odd and yet melodically awesome, with a tender hook and some neat piano added to it, you can see why Grizzly Bear are recieving some hype, and well, its deserved, with one of the oddest video’s I’ve ever seen added to the mix, you’re always going to be intrigued as to what they have in store, pity about the rest of the album then. But for this one song along, Two Weeks, they have a song which they could rely on for corporate success as well as some sort of success in the media.
Told ya it was odd didn’t I?
Anyway, I’ve known this song for some time now due to my boredom of just downloading bundles of random albums and Veckatimest was one of them, but the reason as to why I’ve chosen to post it now is because of a certain “Intuition” I’ve had, or well the artist has anyway, with his Intuition’s mixtape “I Ruined These Songs For You” the song Two Weeks appeared on it with Intuitions own style tossed onto it, and well, by tossed I mean added to the sheer quality of the song of which I already thoroughly enjoyed. Now, here comes the part you want, the customary downloads, well today you’re not getting them....
Absolutely phenomenal and once again are on the up and coming and somewhat mighty Moda Music label. These will be big and have been in love with them ever since Tom Staar remixed Lies. Just listen and adore, this is porn for your ears, or ear if you're somewhat defected.
Fenech-Soler - Stop and Stare
Fenech-Soler - Stop And Stare (Reset Remix)
Fenech-Soler - Lies (Tom Staar Remix)
Hey, reposting an Artist I've already recommended? I know, lazy and all, but its my Birthday, so I can do what I want to do today :D Where's Jessica Alba when you need her?
Anyway, now onto the new song by Penguin Prison. Its fantastic. Its actually painstakingly horrible how easy it is for him to make his music both eccentricly poppy and absolutely eccentric, not to forget extremely rememberable. With no word on an album release date as of yet, I'm starting to get really worried. I hope you enjoy the tracks as much as I have, and with that, I'm off to celebrate the date of which I was born. Toodles.
The Courteeners are back with their new album Falcon, and after their brilliant predecessor St. Jude, its really got a lot to live up to, and in a way it does, but it certainly isn't a match for it. Their styles changed, their epic fast paced songs have disappeared, but their catchy and ever present chorus's are still there, look at their current single "You Overdid it Doll" and you'll see a very catchy indie choon which is certain to be on any playlist you're interested in listening to. Although they seem to have regressed its nowhere near the regression of other bands with a great 1st album a lá the Killers and Razorlight, but its certainly worth a listen for a slow paced relaxing album full of thought and memory of the band. I'd not be overly impressed by it, but make your own mind up on it, I think I'm still undecided.
Here's a song I've discovered, yes, I have, thanks to the sheer greatness of Scott Merscudi a.k.a Kid Cudi, in his new TV show "How To Make it In America", which is currently on HBO. The theme song is so fitting in the lust of the main characters to make in in America and for Aloe Blacc's lust for a Dollar (or probably a few more than just the one). Hopefully you'll check out both the show and the song and thoroughly enjoy both. Give me a dollar, or a euro if you feel like it too.
Here's a band who I probably should've gone to see on Saturday, but I, unfortunately was absolutely broke. So unfortunately I wasn;t able to see one of my favourite bands of this year. Alongside Two Door Cinema Club and Ellie Goulding, Delphic would be my band/artist to watch out for in 2010. Delphic could be the best new band in Manchester, as they evoke the spirit of its Hacienda days in a forward-thinking, indie-rave type way. Are we going to have to start calling them 'nu-Madchester'? When thinking of a definite comparison to Delphic one can only bring upon memories of New Order with their use of synth and futuristic nature, their style could even be compared to the nu-rave nature of Klaxons in the beats and kinetic indie ravish style. As the combining surging rhythms with powerful emotion, they're crafting a superior brand of future indie that has every chance of rocketing them out of Manchester and into the nation's consciousness.
With their single "Halcyon" due to come out next Monday its sure to be rising up the charts, but for some reason I doubt it'll get to number one, and for one reason only. There's something which niggles your mind about it, a shadow of a memory some might say. Listening to the song is like listening to another song, or another band, and now while listening to the, rather than letting the music transform everything around me into solid vibrating masses of lovely, I'm instead trying to decode the puzzle of who it resembles.
Miami Horror is a 22 year old DJ/Producer from Melbourne who started out his music career playing house party and regular weekly club nights such as Streetparty and Third Class. Having remixed for the likes of Pnau, The Presets, Faker, Datarock, Party and Midnight Juggernauts in the space of a year, Miami Horror has been propelled to sit justifiably amongst some of the biggest names in music. His remixes are guaranteed dance floor hits, immediately downloaded across the world & as the talk about his work continues to grow, plans are underway for a live show consisting of DJ, keys, drums, guitar & vox. Sometimes is his most recent single and recieved some attention in the charts, expect 2010 to be the breakthrough year of Miami Horror.
Here's some of his remixes and his full length songs. Hope you Enjoy. Major list of tunes.
Trust me they can, although, they're probably better at singing.
Two Door Cinema Club are 3 people with the help of technology and a thirst for anything quirky. If you were to pose the question, “Where do Two Door Cinema Club live?” and someone was to answer, “Why, Bangor!” That someone would only be 66.67% correct because Two Door Cinema Club are a Bangor/Donaghadee based electro pop band. At first an obvious absence in the rhythm department was humbly filled by an unadulterated Macintosh however the band have recently found a sticksman to beef up their live shows. Their music has been loosely compared to the likes of Death Cab for Cutie and Broken Social Scene but without a definitive capacity to be pigeon-holed. Melodic vocals, which hail from all three members of the outfit, infuse with guitar riffs that have been described as “oceanic” and rhythm described as “pulsing”. To get the symbolism out of the way, take your seats; it’s going to be a blockbuster!
Here's a really catchy tune of theirs which is certain to become a mainstream hit in 2010. They've only recently, 2 days ago to be precise released their album "Tourist History" and its just what I expected, pure pop loving fun. As a prelude to their album they released "Undercover Martyn", which is a bit more down to earth than I Can Talk, but in itself its a very good single and could be climbing the charts sooner rather than later.
My Recommendations.
Two Door Cinema Club - I Can Talk
Two Door Cinema Club - I Can Talk (French Horn Rebellion Remix)
Two Door Cinema Club - Undercover Martyn
Two Door Cinema Club - Undercover Martyn Flexin' It (Passion Pit Remix) Now with a new MP3 Two Door Cinema Club – What You Know
Basically, I've been told to remove the links to these, but they're all on mediafire, give it a google ;) :)
This may be of use to some of you and may not be to others, sad face requested "Two Tone Simms" in a previous post about Tom Staar so I guess this will please a lot of you.
Deep within the solar system, past the rocky contours of the moon & beyond the fizzing gases of Jupiter, a lone space traveller named Tom Staar searches for his long lost colony of intergalactic compadres.
Not knowing if he is the last of his kind means his search is never ending & his methods of communication unauthordox. It's a long time since he's seen another member of his species, but one thing he still remembers is how much they liked to dance! So in a bid to make contact, Tom likes to send interstellar messages... in the form of songs!
As well as helping develop the mighty Moda club night during his time on earth, and the music of acts such as Jaymo & Andy George and Doorly, Tom has now begun sharing his own cosmic productions.
Combining a quasar of sounds, with retro synths, a sprinkling of stardust & even his own vocals, means that Tom Staar makes music that is truly his own.
I actually don't know if I like this one. I guess it's becuase its not as catchy as the older songs. But, I thought I'd share it with all of you. Hope you Enjoy.
There's even an inclusion of Bruce Willis, for some reason, most likely for him to act as a bad ass. Let me know your thoughts on it and the remixes, I've given links to at the bottom too.
Well, Kid Cudi's back. With a choon of a song called as you may of guessed "Pursuit Of Happiness". Being released yesterday I thought I'd bring it to your attention as, well, Cudder deserves the attention.
The song shows you whats inside of Scott Mescudi, a deeply tormented soul, one comparable to a martian due to his introverted nature. Its shows his sensitive side and how he deals with inner torment "Tell me what you know about night terrors/ Nothin!". Portraying a man who feels he's alone on his journey in life, being the lonely stoner that he is. Sure this my not be as much of a head turner as Day N' Night, but, you can imagine it being on the radio as Cudi transforms himself into hiphop-rap-indie hybrid, one style of music which, I definitely approve of.
There's also an amazing remix which was released some time ago by Steve Aoki, which is one of the best remixes I've heard in a long . It gives you a whole new perspective on the song and gives it more than the meanings you first interpret the song to give. It makes it seem as if CuDi's still aiming and "get, get get(ting)" what he really wants from his music career, check it out here.
When you stumble across an absolute belter of a tune. Here's an absolutely epic remix of an already epic song, by an epic remixer. Did I mention its EPIC?
Heres and EPIC mp3 so you can remember it for a long time.
He's back! After. Well, not too long really, but its great to see that Vince has gone back straight into making music after what he'd probably think was a under performing debut album, one which to me was throughly underrated.
So now onto his new single, being called "Losing Streak", quite fitting really, Frankmusik, or Vince as he's known to his friends has had a year of ups and downs with none of his singles reaching the top 20, yet his album was the largest selling new male album in the UK for the most of 2009. Which is a huge achievement. He deserves every plaudit he recieves.
Currently recording his new album "Follow The Leader" in LA with producers which include Computer Club, its quite clear Vince is moving away from the pop scene and is becoming a little more club. Its apparent in Losing Streak with his incredibly catchy lyric " "If you let her she will swallow, not your dick but your brains cause everyone is the same". This is why I love Frankmusik. He's both witty and charming?
I know this is a new year and my first post is of my favourite artist of 2009, but, well, I don't see myself ever moving away from Frankmusik, and theres a goddamn good reason too! Listen to him... Then you'll realise.
As ever here's a few mp3's to give you a taste of the true Vincent Frank aka FrankMusik.