Sure he's hardly a new name but nobody can doubt the talent of Kanye West's protégée. Rising from Cleveland CuDi has become one of the most talented young rappers in the World and has already worked with major players in the game such as Common, Lady GaGa, Kanye West, Ratatat and MGMT.
Already with a number one hit to his name in the UK Scott Merscudi's future looks giant. With the release of his latest Album, one which has been under much scrutiny over the last 6 months due to CuDi's erratic nature and well... How to put this... He takes things to heart far too easily.
Luckily though the Kid's become a man and has released one of the most anticipated albums of 2009 with so many arrays of style and emotive nature it’s abundant that this album can appeal to all genres of people. With club bangers like 'Enter Galactic' which is the song CuDi plays when he 'see's all the beautiful women on the floor' and gets the crowd pumpin'. I wouldn't be surprised to see if or not Crookers puts his own spin on this as he has done on other CuDi tracks like "Day' N Nite" and "Embrace the Martian".
Not to forget the original of his banging tunes which has also made the cut for the "Day N Night" which seems about as old as I am by now. But trust me the chorus will never get old, I can't help but connect with this song, this style of his is unique and well, is actually what attracted me to him as an artist.
And if you're looking for songs which are capable of matching up with the Capacity to share CuDi's most inner thoughts you won't be disappointed. We're told about in "Soundtrack 2 My life" about his "99 problems" which is both a reference to one of the greatest Hip-Hop artists of our generation, Jay-Z, but also it shows how Scott's different and isn't afraid to combat his fear of being different as in contrast to Jay-Z, his 99 problems are all "bitches".
The album has its ups and downs both emotionally and in quality, with there being obvious stand out tracks [Up, Up, And Away (The Wake And Bake Song), Pursuit of Happiness, CuDi Zone, Sky Might Fall] it also has it let downs in songs like Simple As... This song to me is just toooo simple for CuDi. Pun intended. And the woeful, but horribly catchy "Make Her Say", which just doesn't seem like a song CuDi would ever contemplate on working on due to its simplicity and its band-wagon-esque style.
Make your mind up yourself about the KiD:
KiD CuDi – CuDi Zone****
KiD CuDi – Make Her Say ***
KiD CuDi - Soundtrack 2 My Life****
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